Improving Gangway Safety, Bumper Longevity, and Revenue Streams with Advanced Data

The Nortech ecosystem was a perfect match for developing our new products. Now reducing operations cost and Carbon emissions for our customers world wide.​

Knut Hovland​
CEO Uptime International​


UPTIME lacked digital offerings in their portfolio — no data collection, dashboards, visualizations, or integrations. This absence of digital infrastructure meant they couldn’t leverage data for business development, product innovation, or operational efficiency. As they started their digitalization journey, UPTIME recognized the critical need for comprehensive data insights.


One of the main reasons we started our relationship with UPTIME — they wanted more insights from the gangway and believed that Nortech’s digital platform was a suitable fit for the task. In a joint effort we developed a tailored digital ecosystem and assisted in developing the software needed in their new control system to make it ready for digitalization from the get-go. The data capture provided UPTIME with never before seen insights into their gangway system, enabling a transformation in how they developed and refined their new gangway control system.
By capturing detailed data from sensors — encompassing pressures, positions, and movements — the process was optimized from initial testing stages through to full-scale operational deployment on vessels. By reconstructing the gangway’s operations through data, UPTIME’s engineers — both in the field and in the office — could collaborate more effectively to support product development and testing. Safety was also a concern that had to be faced, as UPTIME had challenges with the wear and tear of gangway bumpers due to varying operational conditions. Utilizing the captured data, we helped them implement a model to monitor and predict the remaining useful life of bumpers.
Joystick to real movement calibration.
Joystick to real movement calibration.
By analyzing the number and intensity of impacts, UPTIME can now proactively schedule maintenance and replacements, enhancing safety and reducing unexpected downtime. The baseline for every business is optimization for operations and UPTIME is not an exemption. UPTIME often measure the number of connections in their operations — the frequency and duration of gangway landings. It’s possible to get some real insights out that, needed for optimization of their business processes. This data helps optimize operations by identifying inefficiencies, such as excessive time spent in landed states and allows engineers and technicians to resolve issues faster and improve overall operational efficiency.

Wear of roller pad. Higher bars indicates more wear in a specific area of the roller pad.


The digital availability of data streamlined their testing phases, significantly reducing the time spent on analysis of the gangways. Predictive analytics on bumper wear increased their maintenance approach. Now its possible to accurately identify when a bumper needs replacement, minimizing the risk of unexpected failures and extending equipment lifespan. This not only enhanced safety but also ensured uninterrupted operations in the demanding offshore environment. By integrating the captured data into systems like Vessel Insight, UPTIME is able to offer valuable data-driven services to their customers.
This integration provided vessel owners and operators with higher-frequency, better-quality data for their operational analytics, allowing them to optimize their own operations effectively. UPTIME’s ability to upsell these insights opened new revenue streams and strengthened customer relationships. The collaborative use of shared dashboards fostered improved communication and problem-solving. By using data in the Grafana dashboards and sharing that access with their sub-suppliers to do root cause analysis, engineers and technicians could address issues more swiftly. It made the iteration cycles shorter. It made everything faster.

Operational views provide office personnel with a ‘digital twin’ representation, mirroring the real-time perspectives and data accessible to field operators.

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Get in touch to partner with us

Christian Bjerke
VP Business Development